segunda-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2011

Midnight Mass at St. Mary’s Norwalk .Christmas in Iowa, Imperia and Shanghai

 Midnight Mass at St. Mary’s Norwalk

Midnight Mass at St. Mary’s Norwalk – in the newly repainted sanctuary.

The Gospel.

Homily given in Spanish and English by Fr. Greg Markey, pastor.

Christmas in Iowa

Christmas at St. Anthony's Church, Des Moines, Iowa. The celebrant was Msgr. Frank Chiodo.

Christmas in Imperia

For our second bit of Christmas coverage, we turn to Italy and the following photos which one of our readers sent in, showing the third Mass of Christmas (usus antiquior) as celebrated in the Chiesa è il Santuario N.S. di Loreto in Imperia, the diocese of Bishop Mario Oliveri who will be no stranger to many of our readers.

Christmas in Shanghai

Our first Christmas photos come from Shanghai, China. This particular Mass was celebrated according to the usus antiquior.